
Media Launch

Thank you very much for supporting the Sussex Cancer Research Centre. Due to the election, the launch in the media was delayed until the 10th of July, today!

As you know the SCRC is bringing scientists, clinicians, and patients together from across Brighton and Sussex to perform pioneering interdisciplinary research that will improve cancer treatments and patient outcomes. Importantly patients are at the centre of our cancer research to ensure that the research stays focused on patient needs.

To help achieve this, it’s important that we get a message out as broadly as we can today so that we can reach more patients, and hopefully more donors to help fund all of our research.

Today we featured on BBC South East Today, with hopefully more to follow on local radio Sussex.

So if you use social media, then we would be very grateful if you could like and share our posts which can be found on:

Many thanks indeed for your continued support, it really help us reach the patients, and community that we all benefit from engaging.

Launch Event Success

Huge thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to the recent successful launch of the Sussex Cancer Research Centre (SCRC).

We’ve put together a short movie about the importance of the event and our mission for the SCRC. Please view it here..

Over 200 researchers (based at both universities and hospitals), patients from across Sussex, carers, and members of the community all participated. Your support, experience, knowledge and enthusiasm will prove invaluable for driving our bold ambitious for this brand new centre.

Special thanks to all the fantastic speakers. In particular we are indebted to the patients. Your willingness to participate in this launch, and share your stories and experience was humbling. Your voices will never fail to inspire and motivate us all.

Congratulations to our early career poster prize winners: Robyn Dillon, Ben Green, and Lauren Stott.

We're still going through the valuable feedback, which will help us to shape the future of the SCRC. If you didn't get a chance to complete the survey to help us identify research groups then you can still complete it here. We will be reaching out to researchers interested in joining various groups over the coming weeks to establish regular themed meetings.

We coulnd't have done it without sponsorship from Elekta and Miltenyi. Thank you.

For People with Lived Experience of Cancer

Patient and carer input needed

We want the Sussex Cancer Research Centre to support patients, amplify patient voices, highlight the voice of carers, and facilitate patient engagement in our research.

We're building an SCRC Patient Hub and we need your help. There are two sections we would like your input into:

  1. Resources. We want to provide a directory of the best resources for cancer patients. If there are particular charities, websites, or support groups, that have helped you, please let us know. We'll signpost to these resources on our website so others can benefit from the best advice and support. These can be local, national or international.
  2. The Patient Voice. We want to hear your stories. If you're interested in writing a blog style piece, being interviewed, or you've ideas for other ways we can amplify what you have to say to the cancer research community, then let us know. We want to amplify your voices on our new patient voice section. Your voice can do more to unite and motivate cancer research than you know.

To contact us, simply reply to this email.

For Researchers