
For Researchers

Bone Metastasis Grant Calls Coming Soon

We wanted to give you early notice of an upcoming grant call covering breast cancer, prostate cancer, and metastasis. As always the centre is ready to help connect you with collaborators, resources, and support your application in any way.

Breast Cancer Now (BCN) and Prostate Cancer Research (PCR) are joining forces to create the Bone Metastasis Collaboration Fund. Breast and Prostate cancers are highly prevalent, there is an urgent need to stop and reverse the spread of cancer to bone in both, and by combining our resources and bringing experts together, we believe we can accelerate progress for both breast and prostate cancer patients.

The grant call will be launching on September 05 2024 and will be open to researchers based in UK institutions.

Researchers may apply to the Bone Metastasis Collaboration Fund for:

  • Seed grants of up to £15k - for example, to fund model development or an initial experiment or collaboration
  • Pilot grants of £50 – 100k to generate data to power a future application for a larger, longer-term award
  • Project grants of up to £250k - These are for comprehensive research projects with the potential for significant impact on understanding or treating bone metastasis.

They encourage applications from early career researchers.

This grant call invites proposals which incorporate one or more of the following:

  • Work investigating the fundamental mechanisms of bone metastasis common to many cancers
  • Work focused on breast cancer
  • Work focused on prostate cancer
  • Projects looking to apply the same approach in models of both breast and prostate
  • Collaborative projects co-led by a breast and prostate cancer scientist

Grant call will be on the PCR website on the 5th September.

General Interest Events